
Melba Class: Penka Stancheva

Where Do I Want to Arrive

7, 8 November, 10 am - 4 pm

Where Do I Want to Arrive
On the Path of Interior Design

Creating the dream portfolio that will serve as a personal manifesto for each participant  — a definition of their individual aspirations as professionals in the design field, outlining where they want to go stylistically, in terms of project typology, and the tools for its realization. This is a two-day, individualized journey that will either bring you back to your essential aesthetic beliefs or help you discover and define them. It may resemble a psychology course, but it is not.


This program will surprise you with the multilayered aspects it will address. Its content will provoke you to bring out the best in yourself, and to discover both the emotional and rational drivers that motivate you professionally.

Day 1: Morning Session

Introductory presentations on the topics by the course leader, followed by discussions.

Day 1: Afternoon Session

Fundamental questions to reflect on. Establishing a foundation for the participants' personal portfolio projects. Individual or group discussions.

Day 2: Morning Session

Recap of the first day's work—after we've had time to sleep on it. Each participant works on their personal project, with individual guidance from the course leader.

Day 2: Afternoon Session

Presentation of participants’ projects and group discussions.

What you will learn:

The class focuses on helping participants develop their unique design style, avoid clichés, and refine their analytical skills when observing completed projects. It also provides insights into current leading styles and professionals in the European and global markets. Additionally, participants will learn strategies for building a dream portfolio and tips for effectively working with clients.

Suitable for:

This class is designed for everyone involved in interior design—young professionals who have graduated in architecture or interior design and are currently practicing. It would also be beneficial for students in the same fields who are in their fourth year or further along in their studies.


Penka Stancheva is an architect with a multifaceted portfolio built from 1995 to the present. It includes projects realized in Bulgaria that have received numerous awards, as well as international projects across Europe and Latin America. Interior design remains her passion and great love. She writes about design and teaches at UACEG Sofia.

Participants: up to 15

Participation fee: 150 BGN, 120 BGN for students

Registration:, subject: Melba Class Penka

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